Wednesday, March 31, 2010

How To Get Moles Into Your Test Project

In my last post, I talked about what Moles can do for your testing capabilities. In this one, I’m going to give a quick overview of what you need to do to start using Moles in your project. For this post and most others, I’ll be talking from the viewpoint of Visual Studio 2008 (all of the stuff on the Pex page trumpets VS 2010, but it works fine with 2008) Team Suite, so I’ll be using the VS Team Test unit test tools as opposed to something like NUnit, although Pex and Moles come out of the box with a few switches you can flip to make them friendly to NUnit and a couple other testing frameworks.
Like most things, you’re going to need to install it first. I recommend the full Pex + Moles installer - you can grab it from here. I try to be careful with what I install and avoid installs that make a mess or require a lot of steps, and I can report that the Pex + Moles installer is simple and clean as can be.
Once the installer finishes, fire up VS with your test project. In your test project (as opposed to the project-under-test), do an Add > New Item. You should find a new template called “Moles and Stubs for Testing.” Before you fire away and click OK, there’s a small bit to understand about what adding a .moles file does and what effect the name has.

Running this template will add a .moles file and subfiles to your solution and add two references to your project: one to the newly compiled Moles.dll and another to the Moles framework types A .moles file is a small XML file in your solution that contains configuration for a set of MSBuild tasks that also get added to your project when you add a mole. Most importantly, it points to the assembly that you want to mole. A .moles file only moles a single assembly, so if you want to mole types in multiple assemblies, you’ll need to add multiple moles. The .moles file has three subfiles when viewed in Solution Explorer:
  1. A designer.cs file. To be honest, I have no idea what this does, as it contains nothing but a commented-out Base64 string.
  2. A Moles.xml file. This contains generated documentation for all the mole types generated.
  3. A Moles.dll file. This is a compiled assembly that contains the mole types. When your test project is built, this assembly is generated by MSBuild, and a reference to it is automatically added to your project. If you mole a big assembly, like mscorlib, it can add a good chunk of time to your build process, but it will only rebuild the assembly if the assembly being moled has changed since the last build.

When you add your .moles file, the name you use (minus the .moles part) will be the name of the assembly that it moles by default. It has visibility to everything in the GAC plus everything referenced by the containing project. You can change the assembly by opening the .moles file in an XML editor, but it’s easier to just name it correctly to begin with. One tweaky thing I’ve noticed is that, unlike a lot of other VS template items, you really should explicitly include “.moles” at the end of the filename, otherwise it will get confused if the targeted assembly contains dots in its name.

Just like that, you’re done. You now have access to moles and stubs for all the types in the referenced assembly. Now, what exactly does that mean? Check out the next post for information about how mole and stub types are generated.

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